Greetings from NewMedia – the world’s only trans-national bilateral trade magazine publishing house,connecting more than hundred countries across six continents.
SME, the three-letter magical abbreviation, is all set to rule the World of Business in the 21st Century and have emerged as vibrant tiers of the global economy. They are one of the principle driving forces in the economic development of a country as they stimulate private ownership and entrepreneurship skills, are flexible, can adapt quickly to changing market demand and supply situations, generate employment, help diversify economic activity and make a significant contribution to exports and trade. SMEs also play an important role in innovation and high-tech-business and due to their flexibility and creativity many of them have become large businesses.
However, most SMEs are overlooked by policy-makers and legislators, who tend to target larger corporations. Hence, SMEs often miss out on tax incentives or business subsidies and suffer more than big companies from the large burden and cost of bureaucracy as many do not possess the necessary financial or human resources to deal with this.
In our role as facilitators to the SMEs, we have taken upon ourselves the crucial task of bringing the top decision-makers and entrepreneurs from different parts of the globe face to face with the officials and business community across the world through our new electronic magazine and news portal -SME Lead. SME lead is one of the prime agenda of NEW MEDIA and is a trilingual news portal and fortnightly electronic magazine, through which we endeavor to advocate, disseminate, facilitate, connect and enrich the SMEs. The objective is to assist, sharpen and enhance the competitive edge to meet the global challenges.
SME-Lead would like to keep its readers informed about the developments taking place in SME sector worldwide. You are welcome to contribute any news/views or other information that you would like to share with the other readers. Your suggestions, comments and feedback will help us to assist you better.
Satya Swaroop /Chandra Karki