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African Economic Conference 2019

Date: 2 – 4 December, 2019

Venue: Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

The African Economic Conference 2019 began with the focus on themes including jobs, entrepreneurship and capacity development for African youths. The conference will specifically give African stakeholders, youth representatives and political leaders the opportunity to: provide their insights and thoughts on the debate on youth jobs, skills and entrepreneurship capacities; assess the impact of past and current reforms and initiatives to address youth jobs challenges in Africa; and discuss the feasibility of proposed innovative policy options to reap the benefits of Africa’s youth bulge and address the challenge of youth skills mismatch in the labor market.


  • Promote knowledge management as an important driver of policy dialogue, good policy planning and implementation
  • Foster dialogue that promotes the exchange of ideas and innovative thinking among researchers, development practitioners and policymakers
  • Encourage and enhance research on economic and policy issues related to the development of African economies by promoting evidence-based policymaking
  • Provide an opportunity for young African researchers, Africans in the diaspora and organizations to share knowledge with policymakers
  • Serve as a platform for researchers, policymakers and private sector operators to meet and reach consensus on regional and continental integration as an instrument to accelerate Africa’s inclusive and sustainable development